1. Registration is NOT required to participate in this forum. However,
if you choose to register click on the Register link located
under the QCBBOA/Message/Discussion/Forum. Enter pertinent
information (I suggest only entering the boxes with the * - required).
Note: when registering, the correct time zone to click is GMT -6:00.
2. The new format allows each user to register without having to receive
authorization from a forum administrator at this time.
3. If you want to read the forum, simply click on any of the topic links.
4. If you want to post a message, you have two options:
a) if your post is related to a topic already listed in the forum, simply click
the "Post Reply" link located under the message box.
b) if your post deals with a topic that isn't listed, simply click on either of
the "New Topic" links (on top or bottom of the forum links box).
**Notice** Please enter some form of identification in the 'Username' box BEFORE
submitting your post. BEFORE is stressed because you can't edit a post once it has
been submitted.
6. After writing your message, click the "Submit" link located at the bottom of the page.